Tuesday, 1 November 2022

ROLAND VT-4 Midi Remote Control

I needed a way to remotely trigger my Roland VT-4 voice transformer easily. So I came up with this remote control box that connects via 5-Pin Midi to the VT-4. It uses a 4-Position rotary switch to select presets and an Arcade Button to trigger them. Here's how you can build one!

Download the code and schematic HERE

Parts List (with Amazon Links)

1 - Arduino Nano

1 - 4 Position Rotary Switch OFF/ON/ON/ON

1 - Arcade Button with LED

1 - Panel Mount MIDI Jack

2 - 1/4" Mono Phone Jacks

3 - 220 Ohm Resistors 1/4 Watt

1 - Power Jack 2.1mm

1 - Adafruit Perma-Proto Board (Half-Size)

1 - Hammond 1590XXBK Enclosure